Classic Salads is dedicated to providing its customers with detailed information on how we conduct our business. In an effort to be as transparent as possible, we have developed this food safety section and special access to our records. Here you will find information on Ranch Maps, Water Usage, Manure & Fertilizer Usage, Sanitation & Employee Hygiene, Ranch History, Adjacent Land Use, Pesticide Control, Harvest Procedures & Equipment and Third Party Audits.
The website displays our company's food safety program profile. As a Primus Labs Platinum member, Classic Salads can create guest user logins to offer companies comprehensive tools that display all of our key data including raw product testing, environmental testing and Ranch (GAP)/Facility (HACCP) auditing data.
Visit the
Primus Labs website to view with Classic Salads reports.
Our Organic Certifier; Agricultural Services Certified Organic, LLC (ASCO)
Three former members of the Monterey County Agricultural Commissioners
Office representing over 96 years of experience in regulatory agriculture formed ASCO. They include the former Agricultural Commissioner, Chief Deputy and a Deputy Agricultural Commissioner.
ASCO played a major role in the development of the California Organic Food Act which was used a model in the forming of the National Organic Program. Their experience in regulatory agricultural and knowledge of the workings of state and national agricultural organizations provides a basis for interpreting and implementing complex regulations and policies required of an organic certifier.
For more visit the ASCO website
The Leafy Green Marketing Agreements for both Arizona and California
In 2007 Classic Salads, LLC became one of the first members of the Leafy Green Marketing Agreements formed in California and Arizona. The two groups have the same mission, to protect the public health by raising the bar for food safety.
Today, they are working to establish a government and farming community incorporating science based food safety practices and mandatory government inspections in an effort to assure safe leafy green products. The Mandatory audits are to ensure food safety practices are enforced.
The food safety practices cover three main areas:
Environmental Assessment: Member companies are required to have a complete food safety compliance plan, an up-to-date list of growers and a written trace-back program. Pre-season and pre-harvest assessments are required to make sure conditions that can affect food safety have been properly mitigated.
Water and Inputs: Extensive testing, certification and record-keeping for all sources of water and soil amendments.
Work Practices and Field Observations: Field audits verify that farmers are in compliance with the program’s requirements in the areas of worker practices and field sanitation.
For more information about the Leafy Green Marketing Agreements please visit the websites:
For Arizona -
For California -